From the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce:
Minnesota Business Community
2010 Election Candidate Questionnaire
Completed by: Terry Pearson
Democratic incumbent Representative Joe Atkins ~
Year after year, Democrat incumbent Representative Joe Atkins has been a strong supporter of abortion and abortion related issues. For the 2009 legislative session, he received a 0% rating with Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life. http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_detail.php?r_id=3025
Republican challenger Terry Pearson (TerryPearson.com) ~
Terry is strongly pro-life. Terry understands that life begins at conception and will not compromise on this belief. The right to life is at the core of our constitution. Follow this link To Terry's stance on this issue. http://www.terrypearson.com/on-the-issues/right-to-life/
Democratic incumbent Representative Joe Atkins ~
He will and HAS raised your taxes! Democrat incumbent Representative Joe Atkins voted with his party and against the taxpayer in 14 of 15 identified votes in the 2010 legislative session. http://www.taxpayersleague.org/pdf/legscorecard2010.pdf
Republican challenger Terry Pearson (TerryPearson.com) ~
Families are cutting back without revenue increases, why should government be any different? Terry has signed the Taxpayers League pledge. He promises to vote against any and all tax increases. http://www.taxpayersleague.org/component/content/article/75-tax-pledge/422-signers-of-the-taxpayer-protection-pledge.html
Responsibility and Accountability of Government
Democratic incumbent Representative Joe Atkins ~
He missed key votes on the budget - Democrat incumbent Representative Joe Atkins did not even bother to vote on two of the biggest issues of the 2010 legislative session. He missed the vote on the Omnibus Budget bill and the 2010-2011 State government budget. http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=30929&can_id=38811
Republican challenger Terry Pearson (TerryPearson.com) ~
Families are cutting back without revenue increases, why should government be any different? Terry has signed the Taxpayers League pledge. He promises to vote against any and all tax increases. http://www.taxpayersleague.org/component/content/article/75-tax-pledge/422-signers-of-the-taxpayer-protection-pledge.html
VOTING - only ONE vote per person!
Democratic incumbent Representative Joe Atkins ~
Democrat incumbent Representative Joe Atkins voted against requiring a photo ID to vote.
He also voted against a ban on grants that would fund non-profits affiliated with political organizations. http://www.votesmart.org/issue_keyvote_detail.php?cs_id=18268&can_id=38811
Republican challenger Terry Pearson (TerryPearson.com) ~
Fighting corruption and making elections transparent - Terry Pearson will vote for a photo ID requirement at the polling place. He will propose that same day registration ballots are held for verification and processed the same as absentee ballots. He would support a ban on state contributions to politically affiliated non-profits.